Late 2019, I was approached by Mr. Hassan Ansari to help him brand his upcoming gym & crossfit studio in Hyderabad.
After a lot of thinking, we ended up with the name Polaris Fitness. With Polaris being the North Star, the aim was to establish a studio that would change the whole local fitness scene.
The idea behind the logomark was pretty simple, integrating the letter "P" with the north star, "Polaris".
A closer look at the logomark and the various lockups that can be implemented.
Color Scheme -
Being a fitness brand, there had to be a combination of a multitude of colours, with the yellow being the primary shade while red & blue were to be used as accents.
A look at how the brand would come into play with stationary & some apparel ideas –
© Hassan Mohammed — 2021. All rights reserved.
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